
Arthur Rice graduated with Board member, Barbara Silverman, from UM Law in 1976 and has been litigating with and against several Board members ever since. He has always been a fearless adversary and determined co-counsel, but he has also been generous with his time and money in the support of minority law students and, especially veterans.  KMMF wants to thank its good friend, Arthur Rice.

“I come from a very modest background. Yet, I have enjoyed literally unlimited opportunities. I want everyone, regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation or political persuasion to have those same opportunities. That’s not just the right thing – it’s the best thing: for you, for me and for our country. KMMF advances this goal directly, one student at a time. It has been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and I have been amazed at what the KMMF has done to help minority law students. So much so, that I hope to establish a similar mentoring program at Quinnipiac University’s School of Law. I received my undergraduate degree at Quinnipiac and am now the Board Chair. I want our law school students to have the same benefits that are available to minority students in Florida and want to support KMMF for its great work” 

— Arthur Rice


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